I'm quite a bit late with this post. We've been open for a month now. Compared to last year the weather has been incredible so far. Hopefully it is a portent of things to come. I definitely don't want any hurricane forecasts for weekends this year. And certainly not two in a row.
We've made a few changes to the place as well since last year. The pond is gone. The buildings that were next to the pond are gone. We are in the process of turning that land into pull through sites. It's going to look great when it's all done. I'll post some pictures once I pick out some good ones.
The seasonals got together and decided on their entertainment for the year. Here's the line up.
June 19th - Crib Tournament
June 26th - Dance - Shane's Mix it Up DJ
July 3rd - Pot Luck Supper
July 10th - Wawhooie tournament
July 17th - Washer Toss tournament
- Dance - Southern Comfort Band
July 24th - Yard Sale
July 31st - Christmas in July
- Karaoke
August 7th - Auction 45 tournament
August 14th - Mardi Gras Parade
- Dance - Crazy Craig Martin Band
August 21st - Pot luck Breakfast
August 28th - Karaoke
September 4th - Variety Show
- Miss Lahave River Pageant
- Fireworks
September 5th - Horseshoe Tournament
- Childrens events
- BBQ hot dogs
September 11th - Kettle boil
September 18th - Karaoke
October 9th - Closing Supper
There will also be a corn boil during the first or second week of September depending on when corn is available.
And don't forget there is Bingo every Saturday afternoon.