Sunday, May 31, 2009
What's this?
Wives beat husbands
2 games to 0
Frank, Harold and Freeman Don't want to talk about it.
Shame Shame.
Easy Pasta Salad

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Testing again
Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry
A little mid week update

Luc had a mid week visitor. I think he was either lost or just passing through. Cute little thing

I’m sure we’ll be seeing lots of critters throughout the season. Luc and I took a walk through the walking path a couple of weeks ago and came across deer tracks. Deer roaming through our campground. That’s pretty exciting for a city girl like me. Speaking of critters, I think I mentioned this in my last post, but I saw a hummingbird up close for the first time ever last weekend. It was about two feet away from me through a window. They are awfully graceful aren’t they? I might have to put out a couple of hummingbird feeders around the office.
So now a blurb about the weather. The Farmer’s Almanac is calling for scattered showers from the 27th to the 31st. Well it sure is chilly and showery at the moment. Environment Canada is calling for cloudy and showers for Friday and Saturday, and a Sunny Sunday. So it looks like everyone is going to have to gather round their campfires or hang out in the Shelter for some guitar playing. I know there HAS to be some nice weekend weather coming soon. Maybe Mother Nature will decide to let us have a little sun earlier than Sunday this weekend.
Well that’s my midweek update. See you tomorrow night.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday was HOT
Speaking of which, when you are coming to stay with us, make sure you bring your fly dope. The downside of a wooded campground is for sure the bugs. But the upside to a wooded campground far outweigh the bad. 10 fold. The wooded campsites along the river are spectacular. If I do say so myself. :-)
The weekends fly by so fast. Here it is Sunday morning all ready. I'll be heading back to the city this afternoon, and it seems like I just got here. We had a good weekend. It was quiet. We had a couple stay here last night that just bought their first trailer. A hard top they bought at Bluenose RV in Bridgewater and of course they had to come and try it out.
The campers have the stove on in the shelter. They must be getting ready for their book exchange. The book exchange is every Sunday morning from 9am to 10am.
If you are in the Lunenburg area today (May 24th) Ellen Hunt, one of our seasonals is reading one of her stories at the Tin Fish Restaurant, on Pelham Street in Lunenburg. It's for the Gallows Hill Writers Read and it's from 2pm to 3pm.
There will be a campers meeting next Saturday night (May 30th) at 7:00pm, to discuss the activities for the upcoming season. Come and join us and have your say on what activities you would like to see. If you can't make the meeting we'd still like to hear from you. If there is an activity you'd like to see, just leave a comment here and we will bring it up at the meeting.
I think that's all I have to report for today.
Happy Camping
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
So you want to go camping...
The first question people ask is what do you need to take with you camping. The second thing to know is how do you not forget anything. The answer is simple. You make a list, and you check it twice. (Santa Claus is coming to town). Sorry. I couldn’t resist.
Once you make your list, it’s really handy to print it out and then laminate it. Then you can reuse it with a dry erase or water soluble marker. If you are really, really keen, get two thin pieces of plexi-glass, place your list between them, duct tape the edges (If you want a good chuckle, google images of duct tape), and you now have a makeshift clip board that you can reuse again and again. It can even be double sided if your list is long enough. Duct tape your marker to string and then to your plexi-glass clip board and you are really keening it up.
Now I guess you want to know what to take with you when you go camping. I make my lists in sections. Bedding / Equipment. Clothing. Toiletries / First Aid. Kitchen. Menu. Entertainment. If you have space to carry Rubbermaid totes, they make excellent makeshift tables while camping. And storage for your equipment when you get home, making your next trip planning that much easier.
Here is a starter list for you. There is a lot on the list, but it doesn't actually take up a lot of room. You will also have to tailor it to your own needs.
(If I figure out how to create a table, I'll put this in a table format for easy reading)
Bedding / Equipment
Hammer / Mallet
Extra rope / stakes
Blow up mattress / air pump
Repair kit for mattress
Sleeping bag
Extra Blanket
Screen Room
Folding Chairs
Barbecue / Stove
Propane Tank
Marshmallow roasters
Pie irons
Slow Cooker
Flashlights / Batteries
Tool box
Swiss Army Knife
Fire Starter
Work gloves
Rain Coat
Rain Boots
Swim Suit
Toiletries / First Aid
Wash cloth
Tooth Brush
Tooth Paste
Mouth wash
Razors / Shaving Cream
Toilet Paper
Feminine products
Bug spray
After bite
Band Aids
Prescription meds
Pepto Bismol
Salt Pepper
Cooking oil
Forks, knives, spoons
Potato peeler
Plates, bowls, mugs, glasses
Salad bowl
Cutting board
Zip lock bags
Paper towel
Pot Holders
Pots / Pans
Garbage Bags
Recycling Bags
Spatula / Tongs
Table cloth / table clips
Can opener
Dish cloths
Dish pan
Dish towel
Dish soap
Broom / Dust pan
Laundry Soap
Clothes pins
Rope for clothes line
Crib board
Fishing Gear
Washer Toss
Books / magazines / puzzle books
Guitar / Songbook
The next thing I do is make a menu list. Don’t forget to take it with you or you may forget you intended that pound of hamburger for meatloaf instead of hamburgers, like I did last weekend.
Here is my list from last weekend. (I tried to keep our prep time down because we were actually working and not camping.)
Friday supper: Hot dogs
Snacks: Chips, Grapes, carrots, celery, marshmallows
Saturday Breakfast: Cereal, Pop tarts, toast, milk, juice, coffee
Saturday lunch: Ham sandwiches
Saturday supper: Slow cooker meatloaf
Snacks: Cheese, pepperoni, marshmallows
Sunday Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, bbq potatos, toast
Snacks: Fruit, veggies
Make a list of everything you need to pack or buy from your menu.
Put gas in your car. Don’t forget the beer. And you are off camping for the weekend. If you do end up forgetting something, stop by the camp store. We try and have a few things that people tend to forget on hand.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Our first weekend down
Looking forward to more of the same next weekend. But hopefully with some sunshine.
Forgot to mention. I think there is going to be a meeting for the seasonal campers on May 31st. It will be held on Saturday night. Details will be posted on the bulletin boards.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Victoria Day Weekend
Misty and mild,
then showers in batches;
batten down the
Thunder rumbling,
but no more grumbling:
It's too fine to
A little gloomier,
but every orchard
is looking gloomier
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Welcome to our blog
Welcome to the blog for Lahave River Campground in Newburne, Nova Scotia. 26 km from Exit 11 on Highway 103.
We are Angela and Luc Doiron, and we are the new owners of the campground.
We are going to use this blog to update our campers on upcoming weekend events; recaps of past events; camping tips; and any other information that our campers might find interesting.
You can contact us via our website or our email,
Angela is also twittering @angd